Our Ministries

Sunday Night Together
From September through April, the MCC family gathers on Sunday nights for a simple meal at 5pm followed by discipleship opportunities for all ages starting at 6pm. (Family AWANA for kids from age 3 to 6th grade, Youth Group for 7th-12th grade, occasional Parenting Classes, and adult Bible studies)
Contact the church office for more details.

Adult Bible Study
After our SNT meal, several of adults gather for a study of a book of the Bible. This is a great time to discuss God's message to people long ago with the goal of understanding how it applies to us today.
For more details, contact the church office at

Family AWANA
Meeting on Sunday nights throughout the school year, Family AWANA is a family discipleship program centered around the study and memorization of God's Word. All ages are welcome to participate from babies to older adults. Parenting and Marriage classes are held during the same time for those who are interested as well.
Contact Bryan Goforth

Youth Group
Sunday evenings our 7th-12th grade kids gather together for parent-led Bible studies, fun, and encouragement. The studies are discussion-oriented and are about things that are impacting the day-to-day lives of the students.

Senior Saints
For the more "seasoned" members of our MCC family are some special opportunities to get together for encouragement and discipleship. These include monthly fellowship lunches on the first Tuesday of the month and occasional outings to a variety of destinations.
Charley Thompson 970-252-1509
Cathy Roberts 970-249-3189

Women of the Word
Wednesday mornings many ladies from MCC and the surrounding community gather for mutual encouragement and Bible study. The purpose of their time together is to develop closer relationships with Jesus and each other.
For more information,
please contact the church office
at 970-249-5432

Global Outreach
MCC is actively involved in sending, supporting, and partnering with many missions and missionaries world-wide to introduce people to Jesus Christ and invite them to follow Him. Our primary vehicle for doing this is relationships both with the missionaries and the people whose lives they touch. Missions-minded individuals and families are invited to participate in MCC's Global Outreach in prayer and short-term mission trips.
Contact Bryan Goforth

Worship Arts
Expressing delight in God is a privilege as His children, and this team combines their artistic skills of music, sound mixing, computer projection, and even occasional construction in order to lead our local Body of Christ in worship. This might be a ministry fit for you if you would like to use your artistic ability to help others draw close to Jesus.
If you are interested in becoming a part of this ministry, please contact the church office at

Funeral Dinner Ministry
In order to bless a grieving family, this team makes arrangements to provide a meal as a part of the gathering to honor their loved one. There are a variety of ways to serve from being available to provide food, to making phone calls to gather the needed items, and being available to exercise loving hospitality the day of the service.
If you would like to serve with this ministry, please contact the church office:

Behind the Scenes Ministries
For those who prefer to serve in a place that is out of the view of others, there are many "behind the scenes" ministries in which a wide variety of skills and gifting may be put to work. Let us help you find a place to exercise your servanthood!
Please contact the church office at